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about Jay Rechsteiner      >>back


In essence I am a story-teller. I often use different ideas, materials such as photographs, found objects, magazines, video & audio footage etc. that I collect during my research or travels and weave into stories. These stories are often hidden within the materials and not instantly visible. I am mostly interested in metaphysics, social and political issues as well as different modes/approaches of presenting art.

My work is very versatile, in general process-based and sits at the intersection of different practices. An essential aspect of process is the element of change including new directions and abandonment (of work). The quality of my work is not so much within the single pieces of work but rather in my overall approach. One of my principle interests lies in social constructionism, the analysis and documentation of (cultural, social) heritage, i.e. the (social, political, cultural and historical) makeup of people. Whether it manifests itself in the form of a drawing, a collage, a painting, an installation, an action or any other medium, my work is never so much about the discrete unit of work but rather the work as a part of the gesamtkunstwerk, the gesamt-story. My understanding of the gesamtkunstwerk in its truest sense is the entirety of my work as a cohesive body.

It is very important to me that my work represents myself, my way of thinking and my opinions. Staying true to myself and having integrity is a very important aspect of my practice. I don't produce art for the masses, nor have I any desire to ride on the band wagon of current trends in the contemporary art world.




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